1. médialab Sciences Po
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  3. Axel Meunier
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Axel Meunier

I experience collective research situations in digital social sciences.

Research Designer

 Axel Meunier is a research designer at médialab, Sciences Po, Paris, and a PhD candidate in design at Goldsmiths College under the supervision of Alex Wilkie, Michael Guggenheim and Tommaso Venturini. His research practice proposes participatory design (PD) as a method of inquiry in the social sciences and experiments with the participation of publics as co-investigators. He currently takes part in the project Styles of Moderation that seeks to describe how social media users receive and object to problematic online speech, and to valorize user participation in content moderation.

At the intersection of design and Science and Technology Studies, his PhD focuses on the interplay between PD and the design of Artificial Intelligence systems, and puts participation to the test of situational aspects of calculation. It is based on a series of projects with other research institutions, educational institutions, associations, cultural spaces etc. in which participatory workshops are experimented with as algorithmic situations, where troubles and frictions are elicited to make sense of the instablity of algorithmic things during use.

Axel Meunier studied at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and at Sciences Po's Experimentation Program in Art and Politic. He has worked at CNRS and for companies, public institutions and in art contexts. At the médialab he has been involved in and published about controversy mapping, datasprinting, research-led teaching and inventive methods. He also teaches at Centrale Paris, an engineering school. In 2025, he co-organises with Robin de Mourat the workshop Habiter les Internets at the Villefontaine School of Design.

Iframe https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ir-QlWk-nmvY8fLOw8ZV2bbVwNus5MJ4/preview

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