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  3. What future for social media?

What future for social media?

Sciences Po's medialab and the CNRS Centre Internet et Société are joining forces for a evening to bring together researchers, entrepreneurs, journalists and experts to discuss the question: what future for social media? Once seen as a means of achieving full democracy, social networks are now seen as the source of all its ills: polarization of opinions, disinformation, harassment, hate speech and mass surveillance. These threats sometimes obscure the diversity of services and uses of social networks, which range from simple private exchanges to propaganda strategies, constantly redefining the boundaries of public space.

Event, Conference

Amphithéâtre Chapsal, 27 Rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris

Social networks are regularly held responsible for the polarization of opinions, misinformation, online harassment, hate speech, mass surveillance, screen addiction and corporate domination. Yet they cover a wide range of services and practices. The rise of propaganda and foreign influence strategies sometimes make us forget that they are still mostly spaces for discussion between close friends or family members.

To a certain extent, the enchanted rhetoric of the Internet's emancipating effect in the 2000s has given way to the opposite position, that of attributing all the ills of democracy to social networks alone. However, the new geopolitical situation, developments in AI and the overhaul of European regulations (DSA, DMA, IA Act) raise more than ever the question of their future and the means to be implemented to guarantee the future of democracies.


Introduction : What future for social media? - Olivier Alexandre, CNRS research fellow and deputy director of the Centre Internet et Société

“Tu crois que c’est vrai ? Fake news et autorégulation conversationnelle dans l’espace public numérique” - Manon Berriche, postdoctoral researcher at médialab

Round table “Quels réseaux sociaux voulions-nous ? Quels réseaux sociaux avons-nous ?


“Est-ce que tu penses qu'on peut dire ça ? L'élaboration de pratiques modératrices dans l'utilisation des réseaux sociaux.” - Axel Meunier, research designer at médialab

Round table “Quels réseaux sociaux aurons-nous ? Quels réseaux sociaux voulons-nous ?

Speakers :

Conclusion - Sylvain Parasie, university professor in sociology at Sciences Po and director of the médialab

Practical information

Date : March 19th 2025

Hour : 7-9 PM

Location : Amphithéâtre Chapsal, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris

The conference is open to the public, with mandatory registration.
The conference will be in french.

Conference organised by the Sciences Po's medialab and the CNRS Centre Internet et Société.