Robin de Mourat
I am interested in the relations between writing, inquiry and design practices in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Research Designer
- Twitter: @robindemourat
- Github: @robindemourat
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- Resume
Robin is permanent digital methods research designer at the médialab since 2019. He contributes to the making of digital artifacts on the plan of their interfaces and related practices, and participates to the design research activities of the lab. His investigations and experimentations especially deal with the role of writing and publishing practices in the conduct of inquiries in humanities and social sciences.
He had previously worked in several contexts of scientific collaboration with researchers in the fields of architecture history and media sociology, and already worked with the médialab in the frame of a participant observation research in 2014 within the AIME project, then in 2016 through an interface design & development mission aimed at developing students' publishing tools for the FORCCAST teaching program.
He holds an agrégation in applied arts (ENS Paris-Saclay), and a Ph.D. in Aesthetics (Université Rennes 2).