1. médialab Sciences Po
  2. Productions
  3. Dicto

Dictomade by the médialab

an application made for the annotation, analysis and publication of video and audio content

Tools – Software

Robin de Mourat, Donato Ricci

Dicto allows to annotate audio and video documents with  transcriptions, translations and other comments ; to tag them with  themes, people, places and dates ; and possibly to publish them as  websites or embeddable html code.

Iframe https://player.vimeo.com/video/400200833

Dicto is designed as a flexible  tool: it can be connected to other transcription tools ; it also allows  to export a corpus or a selection of excerpts as an autonomous web page  ready for consultation, or as data files encoded in standard formats  allowing further work with other tools.

Dicto has been initiated thanks to the MESR Ph.D. funding of Robin de Mourat for a research conducted at Université Rennes 2 under the supervision of Nicolas Thély.

writing and curation

all audiences
