Sreya Nath
I seek to represent the intersections and the margins; especially through the gendered dimensions of immigrant discourse in media.
Research Assistant
Former member
Sreya has left the médialab in avril 2022
As an intern student, Sreya is working with Prof. Jean-Philippe Cointet and his team especially with his PhD student Katharina Tittel. Her work is to analyse the gendered perception and racialized hiérarchies on the migration related Tweets churned by the French press and corresponding twitter accounts of French Organizations, Politicians etc. respectively. As an Intersectional Feminist, she is very curious about the media's perception of the marginalized; she is focusing on the actor analysis of French tweets to better understand the rise of anti immigrant discourse on Twitter.
Currently she is doing her Master's thesis jointly under Prof. Jean Philippe Cointet (médialab) and Prof. Marta Dominguez (Observatoire sociologique du changement-OSC) at Sciences Po. Her thesis topic concentrates on the rise of Islamophobia on French Twitter with a special focus on gender and migration where she uses mixed methodologies such as network analysis, topic modeling, agenda setting etc.
She is the recipient of the prestigious French Government Scholarship (Charpak AME) which is helping her to pursue her Masters in International Development at Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) at Sciences Po, Paris. Her concentrations are Migration and Research Methods. Moreover, she is specialising in Advanced Gender Studies under PRESAGE. Her interests lie in computational social sciences; particularly in the field of investigative journalism.
Prior to this, she did her Bachelor's in Political Science (Hons) under the Department of International Relations at Jadavpur University in India. She has presented a few papers pertaining to Gender-Based Violence which was the stepping stone for her to pursue Gender and Development.