1. médialab Sciences Po
  2. Productions
  3. Panoptic

Panopticrecommended by the médialab

A web application to explore, analyze, compare and annotate large datasets of images

Tools – Software


This tool incorporates a number of functions designed to help researchers work with large volumes of data: image grouping, visual similarity searches, fine-grained or batch annotations, import of data associated with images, management of multi-semiotic corpora, etc.

Summary of available functions:

Panoptic allows you to:

  • Explore all the elements of a corpus of images imported by researchers.
  • Group images together according to their similarity.
  • Find images similar to a particular image or to groups of images.
  • Annotate images based on different properties: date, url, tag(s), numerical value, true/false, etc.
  • Group, sort and filter images based on their properties (imported or annotated in the interface).
  • Import, manage and export properties associated with images.

curation, exploration and processing

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