Le numérique au service de l’évaluation de l’impact du Parlement sur la loi
Benjamin Ooghe, Olivier Rozenberg, Damien Marié
Publications – Communication
Initiated in 2012-2014 at the intersection of parliamentary informatics and digital social sciences, The Law Factory is a project conducted as a partnership between two research laboratories at Sciences Po, the médialab and the CEE, and the volunteer-based citizen association Regards Citoyens. The website www.LaFabriqueDeLaLoi.fr, which became first available online in 2014 with a limited subset of bills, now allows anyone to follow every step of the legislative procedure for more than 800 bills promulgated since 2008. The tool helps analyse temporally and quantitatively all of these laws, observe the degree of modification of their articles text via a color code, or explore speeches and amendments attributed to a certain article or a specific elected representative. Thus, different forms of overviews of the transformations of legislative texts by the parliament are ignored by the classical statistical approach.