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  3. Une panique de santé publique ? Statistiques et classements mondiaux de l’acceptation vaccinale

Une panique de santé publique ? Statistiques et classements mondiaux de l’acceptation vaccinale

Gaëtan Thomas will present his work on the inequalities generated within systems based on the history of vaccine statistics and the ambiguous position of France.

Event, Research Seminar


Since the failure of the H1N1 vaccination campaign in 2009, surveys of vaccine perceptions have generated renewed interest in public health circles in France and internationally. A dynamic field has emerged, offering new formulations, such as the "vaccine hesitancy" carried by the Vaccine Confidence Project. This program, hosted by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, has made its mark by producing international rankings, one of the distinctive features of which, which has not escaped intrigued commentators, is France's low ranking. Gaëtan Thomas' presentation places these surveys in the history of vaccine statistics and looks at the political and material effects of acceptability surveys. He seeks to historicize the years 2010 to question the terms of the contemporary debate on vaccination.

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Gaëtan Thomas is a medical and scientific historian, postdoctoral fellow at the medalab. He works on infectious diseases and vaccination, health data, cultural and artistic criticism.