1. médialab Sciences Po
  2. Activities
  3. TOFLIT18


Finished activity

Quelle transformation de l’économie française entre 1716-1821?

TOFLIT18 aims at improving our knowledge of the French economy during the period that laid the economic ground for the entry of France and Europe in the modern industrial era. Its main tools are the retranscription, the use and the diffusion of French international trade statistics.


The project “Transformations of the French Economy through the Lens of International Trade, 1716-1821” (TOFLIT18) aims at improving our knowledge of the French economy during the period that laid the economic ground for the entry of France and Europe in the modern industrial era.
Its main tools are the retranscription, the use and the diffusion of French international trade statistics.The médialab team focuses on inventing specific methods and softwares to transform data extracted from historical statistics into a research tool.
We contributed by applying our method called Datascape which proposes to build a database, data treatment algorithm and visual exploratory data analysis tool in one same movement. Such an ambition demands a strong collaboration between historians, economists, engineers and information designers. The very necessary ad inspiring challenge to gain knowledge from such a complex data set.
The project gathered those partners :This project was granted funding by ANR in 2013 for the period 2014-2017 (ANR-13-BSH1-0005-02-TOFLIT 18).