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  3. Environmental Diplomacy and Geopolitics (EDGE)

Environmental Diplomacy and Geopolitics (EDGE)

Finished activity

Quelle gouvernance pour le changement climatique ?

L'environnement revêtant une importance croissante dans les questions géopolitiques, le projet EDGE favorise la transmissions des connaissances en termes d’environnement et de politiques publiques et appuie la coopération d’universités aux compétences complémentaires.



 project is a European twinning project dedicated to the interrelation between environmental and (geo)political questions. It aims to support student exchanges between three universities (Bratislava University of Economics, Sciences Po and University of Liège) to enable them to increase their knowledge in environmental and geopolitical diplomacy.The EDGE program includes also a Summer School to stimulate scientific exchange and promote the program works.Partnership

Iframe https://www.youtube.com/embed/-HEV1a35dho


The University of Economics in Bratislava (EUBA) – the Faculty of International Relations more specifically – has developed a wide expertise in the politics of environmental resources, including its security dimension;The University of Liège (ULg) is specialized in the human impacts of environmental changes, with a specific expertise on migration and security issues. ULg launched the The Hugo Observatory, the first scientific research structure dedicated to the interactions between environment, migration and politics.Sciences Po Paris (Sc Po), specialized in internationales relations and whose research program entitled Politics of the Earth highlighted the new geopolitical challenges brought upon by the Anthropocene;

How it works

The EDGE exchange program is aimed at undergraduate, master and doctorate students from the three partner universities wishing to acquire more knowledge in subjects related to environmental diplomacy and geopolitics of the environment, international relations and climate negotiations, sustainable development, natural hazard and resource management.The duration and location of the exchange depend on the choices of the candidates. The selected candidates receive a European grant and obtain ECTS credits at the end of their exchange.More information on the EDGE website.