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  3. DIME SHS / Web


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The Web: a digital research field for Social Sciences?

The DIME Web instrument supports Social Science research projects in the development and use of digital methods to exploit the web as a survey medium.


The DIME Web instrument (part of the DIME-SHS EquipEx - Excellence Facility for Survey Data Infrastructures and Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences) is a team of engineers from Sciences Po's médialab which supports Social Science research projects in the development and use of digital methods to exploit the web as a survey medium. In particular, it provides support to collect, enhance, clean up, visualize and analyze data from digital traces accessible online. The instrument stands at the intersection of the fields of methodological research and digital methods in social sciences. As well as supporting researchers in their methodology, the team offers them its skills in network analysis and web archiving, as well as in controversy analysis following Bruno Latour’s Actor Network Theory (ANT). The instrument created several dedicated digital social science tools released as open source, such as the web crawler Hyphe and the Twitter collection software Gazouilloire. The members of the operational team have also contributed to theoretical research on network visualisation and spatialisation algorithms, and authored or co-authored some fifteen academic publications. More about DIME web