Valérie Pihet
supported the Sciences Po médialab foundation
General Secretary
Former member
Valérie Pihet co-founded and directed with the french philosopher Bruno Latour the Programme of experimentation in arts and politics (SPEAP) in Sciences Po Paris (2010 -2014). Since 2002, Valérie Pihet has collaborated with Bruno Latour on a number of other projects : she was in charge of coordinating the
(ZKM, 2002) and
(ZKM, 2005) exhibits, and founding the Sciences Po médialab (http://www.medialab.sciences-po.fr/fr/). She is a member of the advisory board of the Mobile Lives Forum, research institute initiated by SNCF (http://fr.forumviesmobiles.org/) and of the PARSE research group (Platform for Artistic Research Sweden) -http://www.parsejournal.com). She also works with numerous artists (Pierre Huyghe, Armin Linke, Myriam Lefkowitz, Anne Collod, Vincent Bergerat, Samuel Bianchini, Sylvain Gouraud etc.) as well as with researchers. She is the president of The Council (art agency), directed by Sandra Terdjman and Gregory Castera (http://www.houseofcouncil.org/). She is the co-funder of Dingdingdong – Institute of coproduction of knowledge on Huntington’s disease, with Emilie Hermant in 2012(http://www.dingdingdong.org/). Since 2015, she is developing consulting on coproduction of knowledge and articulation between arts, research and society.Valérie supported the Sciences Po médialab foundation in 2009-2010.