Inès Girard
I help to collect, stock and analyze the spread of online fake news on social media
Former member
Inès left the médialab in july 2023
As a student in master 2 Data Science and Digital Society at Gustave Eiffel University, I am doing a traineeship at the medialab during the year 2022/2023. As part of the technical team that supervises me, I also work on the project "The Role of Science and Politics in Sharing Misinformation: Towards Evidence-based Mechanisms to Curb the Diffusion of Misinformation". This research questions the spread of misinformation online. For this, I am helping to code tools to collect, store and analyze online fake news on social networks. Previously, I obtained a master 2 in "human rights and humanitarian action" from the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA), as well as an Advanced Certification in Gender Studies from the Research and Educational Programme on Gender Studies(PRESAGE) of Sciences Po.