Héloïse Eloi-Hammer
I study the design and use of algorithms in the field of justice
PhD Student
Héloïse is a phD student at médialab. She is pursuing a thesis in sociology under the supervision of Dominique Cardon and Laurence Dumoulin (Pacte).
Before joining Sciences Po, she was trained at ENS Paris-Saclay in Quantitative Sociology (Master 1 Quantitative Sociology and Demography) and Qualitative Sociology (Master 2 Practices of Interdisciplinarity in Social Sciences), as well as in Philosophy (Master History and Actuality of Philosophy). During her studies at the ENS, she worked for several months as a research assistant at King's College in London under the direction of Mark Coté.
For her thesis, Héloïse is studying the use of algorithms in the context of justice in France. She is particularly interested in the design of so-called "predictive justice" algorithms, and their use by lawyers and magistrates.