Guillaume Brioudes
Former member
I develop and carefully document open source tools for humanities research.
Research Engineer
Former member
- Personal website: https://myllaume.fr/
- E-mail: guillaume.brioudes@myllaume.fr
- Github: @Myllaume
- Twitter: @guill_brioudes
Guillaume Brioudes is a developer, specialized in the code design, programming and documentation of knowledge management tools. For the past five years, he has been studing in Web technologies and document processing at the University of Strasbourg, then at Bordeaux Montaigne.
He started his activity with researchers at the MICA laboratory and did his end-of-study internship at Medialab between January and July 2022. He works on the Portic project to prepare data analysis and develop reading materials. He is writing a dissertation about the documentation of software projects.