Camille Roth
Associate Professor and affiliated with the department of sociology.
Former member
Camille Roth is Associate Professor at Sciences-Po where he is a member of médialab and affiliated with the department of sociology. He has also been Tenured Researcher at CNRS in computer science since 2008, after being “maître de conférences” at the University of Toulouse-I. He holds a PhD in social science (Ecole Polytechnique, 2005), with a joint background in maths and physics ("ingénieur des Ponts", 2002) and cognitive science (MSc EHESS, 2002). In the recent years, he founded and directed a team in computational social sciences within Centre Marc Bloch Berlin (an international CNRS/Humboldt Universität research unit), which gathers an interdisciplinary mix of young scholars with varied backgrounds spanning sociology and political science, computer science, cognitive science and linguistics. His broader research program revolves around socio-semantic networks, dealing with knowledge dynamics and diffusion phenomena, including empirical applications on online and scientific communities. He has been global or local PI for several multi-institution research projects, both at the French and European level, on blog networks, scientific communities, and peer-to-peer platforms, including Webfluence, Algopol and Algodiv (both on informational dynamics of the digital public space) and QLectives (EU IP on quality collectives in socio-technical communities). Author of about 50 peer-reviewed publications, he currently supervises a team of several post-doctoral and doctoral researchers, either in computer science or in sociology.Camille left médialab in september 2018.