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  3. Benjamin Gilbert
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Benjamin Gilbert

I am interested in discourses of justification of the social hierarchy using quantitative research methods.

PhD Student

  • E-mail: benjamin.gilbert@sciencespo.fr
  • Personal website: bglbrt.github.io

Benjamin studied pure mathematics, statistics and sociology at the University of Cambridge, ENS Paris-Saclay, and ENSAE, and is now a PhD candidate at Sciences Po and Université Paris-Cité under the direction of Sylvain Parasie and Pedro Ramaciotti-Morales.

Benjamin's thesis subject seeks to question how, more than fifty years after the publication of The Inheritors (Bourdieu and Passeron, 1964), and as awareness of inequalities and mechanisms of social reproduction increases (Piketty, 2013; Piketty, 2021), elites, particularly academic and political elites, manage to justify and legitimise their position in the social space.

To study this issue, he uses, among others, computational machine learning and deep-learning methods, as well as data from social networks, the written press, and radio and television broadcasts.

As part of his PhD, Benjamin also teaches courses in Mathematics, Introduction to Sociology and Digital Culture at Sciences Po, and is otherwise interested in cinematography and documentary film-making.

Selected works
