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  3. Situating Visual Network Analysis

Situating Visual Network Analysis

Mathieu Jacomy, PhD student at the Aalborg University TANT Lab will present his work in techno-anthropology at the médialab seminar.

Event, Research Seminar

Presentation will be in french.


Mathieu Jacomy is a PhD student in techno-anthropology at the Aalborg University TANT Lab. He was a research engineer for 10 years at the Sciences Po médialab in Paris, and is a co-founder of Gephi. He develops digital instruments involving data visualization and network analysis for the social science and humanities. His current research focuses on visual network analysis, digital methods and issue mapping. He contributes to developing the web crawler Hyphe, the online network sharing platform MiniVan, and Gephi. He tweets at @jacomyma and blogs at reticular.hypotheses.org