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  3. GoneWildAudio : mapping an audio-porn community

GoneWildAudio : mapping an audio-porn community

Guilhem Fouetillou will present a recent study by Linkfluence on sexual representations on the web.

Event, Research Seminar


If we admit that an individual's sexual life consists of 90% discursive material and 10% events, then studying the subject of sexuality through the prism of web studies and describing at scale the representations and discourses carried by this new media should prove to be rich in teaching. During this session, we will present the work carried out around the extraction of one year of publications and exchanges on the Reddit subforum of audio-porn GoneWildAudio. The quantitative and lexicometric analysis of this corpus has allowed us to shed light on this locality of the web in a singular way and to reveal the spectrum unfolding there between heteronormative uses and the visibility of peripheral practices. This work is the result of a study carried out within the Linkfluence company and presented for a psychiatric congress on sexual representations on the web.

Iframe https://player.vimeo.com/video/516604167?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479


Guilhem Fouetillou is an engineer and entrepreneur. In 2006, he founded Linkfluence, a world leader in web listening and analysis for brands and institutions. Since 2011, he has also been an associate professor at Sciences Po Paris where he teaches social listening in various masters programs at the School of Management and Innovation as well as in the executive master Digital Humanities.