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Gaia and Earth System Science

Scientific, historical and philosophical perspectives

Event, Conference

HPST, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Sponsors : GDR SAPIENV

Organizers: Philippe Huneman and Sébastien Dutreuil


// Thursday, March 24th

13h30 – Welcome of participants
13h40 – General introduction – Philippe Huneman (IHPST) & Sébastien Dutreuil (Université Paris 1, IHPST)
14h00-14h50 – James Kasting (Penn State University) – Long-term stability of Earth's climate
14h50-15h40 – Andrew Watson (University of Exeter) – My voyage round Gaia
16h00-16h50 – Timothy Lenton (University of Exeter) – Gaia and the history of thinking about Earth as a system
16h50-17h40 – Donato Bergandi (MNHN)- The Gaian paradox between ontology and methodology
18h00 – Bruno Latour (Sciences Po médialab)– Lovelock and Darwin, in which way can Gaia escape being one organism?

// Friday, March 25th

9h00 – Welcome of participants
9h10-10h00 – Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther (University of California, Santa Cruz) – Lovelock, Wegener, and maps in scientific controversies
10h00-10h50 – Sébastien Dutreuil (Université Paris 1, IHPST) – Genealogy of Earth System Science: history of the Earth, geochemistry and Gaia
11h10-12h00 – Giulia Rispoli – Pre-gaian thinkers: Vladimir I. Vernadskij and the foundation of biogeochemistry.
14h-14h50 – Ola Uhrqvist (University of Linköping) – Predicting GAIA - a history of the efforts to build one model to fit all.
14h50-15h40 – Laurent Bopp (LSCE) – On the use of Earth System Models in the last IPCC assessment report
16h00 – 16h50 – Chunglin Kwa (University of Amsterdam) - On what Big Science for ecology was thought to achieve: the changing logic of big global programs, 1960s-2016.
16h50 – Catherine Larrère (Université Paris 1) – An ethic for Gaia. Is anthropocentrism back?
General discussion – Chair : Jean Gayon (Université Paris 1, IHPST)

Contact: seb.dutreuil[[AT]]gmail[[POINT]]com

No registration required.