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Towards a network of methods professionals: discussing the role of the research engineer

Le rendez-vous du projet RésIn

Post, Conference

Salons scientifiques, 1 Place St Thomas d'Aquin, 75007 Paris

On 5 June, the Réseau d'Ingénieurs (RésIn) project team organised an event at Sciences Po on the theme "Towards a network of methods professionals: discussing the role of the research engineer".

Caroline Maufroid
Caroline Maufroid

This morning's event focused on research engineers in the broadest sense, bringing together a wide range of profiles of specialists in research methods to address issues central to these professions. What does it mean to be an engineer? How do we deal with technical-scientific hybridity? How can the practices of sometimes isolated engineers be supported and enhanced?

Caroline Maufroid
Caroline Maufroid

After an introduction by Sergei Guriev, Director of Education and Research at Sciences Po, and Marko Tocilovac, Director of Structuring Projects at Université Paris Cité, a brief presentation of the progress made on the RésIn project announced the development of the directory of research engineers that we will be launching shortly.

The round table chaired by Robin de Mourat (médialab, Sciences Po) addressed the central issues of the project thanks to 5 specialists: 

  • Françoise Waquet, Historian of Science, Emeritus Research Director CNRS ;
  • Alina Danciu, Research Engineer and Head of the Documentation-Diffusion Team at the Centre de données socio-politiques (UAR Sciences Po/CNRS) ; 
  • Mathieu Jacomy, Senior Lecturer and Research Engineer (Techno-Anthropology Lab, Copenhagen) ;
  • Damien Cartron, CNRS research engineer, sociologist at the Centre Maurice Halbwachs, and co-founder of the mate-shs network;
  • Ronan Ysebaert, CNRS Research Engineer, Centre for Spatial Analysis and Geovisualisation (UAR Univ. Paris Cité/CNRS).

Watch the recording of the conference below (french):

Iframe https://player.vimeo.com/video/967726262?h=8a06817f66

Evenement_projetResin_20240605 from medialab Sciences Po on Vimeo.

On the occasion of this RésIn morning, the opening of the exhibition "Les ingénieur-e-s dans la fabrique des savoirs" took place at Sciences Po's Maison des Arts. The exhibition ran from 5 to 25 June and will be on display at Université Paris Cité in November.

Caroline Maufroid
Caroline Maufroid
Caroline Maufroid
Caroline Maufroid
Caroline Maufroid
Caroline Maufroid


The RésIn project is supported by the ANR and the French government under the "Investissements d'avenir" programme as part of the IdEx Université Paris Cité (ANR-18-IDEX-0001).