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  3. State of the Union

State of the Union

Jean-Philippe Cointet will discuss a quantitative investigation of the State of the Union (SoU) adresses which was let at INCITE (Columbia University) in collaboration with Alix Rule and Peter Bearman.


Salle du médialab, 13 rue de l'Université, 75007 Paris

This talk will discuss a quantitative investigation of the State of the Union (SoU) adresses which was let at INCITE (Columbia University) in collaboration with Alix Rule and Peter Bearman. 


The State of the Union (SoU) address has been delivered annually by the President to a joint session of US Congress Since George Washington’s first presidential mandate in 1790. Using this longitudinal corpus, the research team investigate the stability/changes in american history. Lexical analysis enables to characterize at a macro-level the linguistic footprint of each adress. Their inter-temporal comparison allows to identify periods of stability/instability in SoU adresses history. The research team identify a critical turning point separating pre-modern and modern eras. Theya also map the topical landscape of the discourses, as well as their transformation over time.


Jean-Philippe Cointet is a researcher at LISIS. He participates to the methodological development in the CorText platform that provides social science scholars online capacities for multi-source textual corpora analysis including natural language processing tools, corpus collection & exploration, temporal analysis, strategic positioning and network mapping.