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  3. Cyberwar readiness: How the 'Big Five' prepare for cyber warfare and what smaller nations can emulate

Cyberwar readiness: How the 'Big Five' prepare for cyber warfare and what smaller nations can emulate

Event, Research Seminar

Salle Goguel, 27 rue Saint Guillaume, 75007 Paris


The current research has  identified, classified, and analyzed six means nations pursue cyber  warfare. These include farming vulnerabilities, unearthing  vulnerabilities, developing payload exploits, executing exploits,  patching vulnerabilities, and storing an arsenal of ally and enemy  vulnerabilities and possible exploits. Using a real-time case, the  author shows how this aspect of the cyber replicator dynamic model is a  strategic thinking tool for assessing or evaluating cyber policy  decisions, proposing retaliatory strategic options, or offensive  operations. The work is part of a three-phased process of developing the  cyber replicator Dynamic model, a new measure for assessing cyber war  readiness.

Iframe https://player.vimeo.com/video/849027925?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479


Ada Peter is a Professor, Digital Media, and International  Security. She explores the processes of cyber weaponization, terrorism, and conflict to help governments make informed decisions about warfare in the fifth domain.

Practical info

The seminar will be held on the Sciences Po campus, located 27 rue des Saints-Pères (Room Goguel), 75007 Paris.

Mandatory registration.