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Digital archives, Datascapes and Storytelling

Daniele Guido will present three projects that try to tackle the complicatedness of the "Digital archives, Datascapes and Storytelling" workflow

Event, Research Seminar

Salle du médialab, 13 rue de l'Université, 75007 Paris


The increasing interest for the digitisation of video, images, texts and audio material from institutional archives and amateurish collections is accompanied by an even stronger interest for their “mise en scene”: we are writing stories that highlight the connections between the digital objects, display known and unknown characters and provide  detailed context to interpret the texts. Along with this primary goal, there’s the pleasure to wonder in the archives themselves, following traces from the past that can eventually shade new light on that “almost  forgotten” material.
The “Storytelling" and the “Datascape": these two approaches need a variety of digital tools to lighten the pitfalls of the digital formats, data availability and translations; to facilitate the writing; to enable computational linguistic analysis of the texts, like topic modelling, text-reuse, Named entity disambiguation, event recognition; or finally, thanks to WikiData, we can design tools to follow hidden links to discover digital objects in other archives.
Daniele Guido will present three projects that try to tackle the complicatedness of this workflow.


Daniele is lead designer at the Center for Contemporary and Digital history of the University of Luxembourg, where he arrived after several years as designer and developer at the médialab Sciences Po.
He works closely with researchers and phD students in History and Computer Science to  design and develop digital tools that facilitate the analysis, collection and publication of archival resources and their metadata.
He is currently responsible for the interface design and implementation of Impresso, a platform for the exploration of digitised newspapers in Switzerland and the Benelux published from 1740 until today.