1. médialab Sciences Po
  2. Actualités
  3. Du quantitatif au qualitatif : nouvelle persepctive pour la recherche en histoire sociale

Du quantitatif au qualitatif : nouvelle persepctive pour la recherche en histoire sociale

Paul Girard et Guillaume Plique présenteront TOFLIT18 lors de cette rencontre autour des nouveaux genres de datasets.

Rendez-vous, Intervention

Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society, Chicago


This one-day workshop brings together historians and digital humanities specialists who are working building novel kinds of datasets and putting them to a variety of uses. 

It aims at discussing the creative use of large databases in the context of interdisciplinary projects with a focus on those exploring historical social and economic data in their quantitative and qualitative dimension simultaneously. We will showcase various methods currently in use (or in development) that go beyond traditional quantitative methods in order to analyse and visualise data in revealing ways.

Cosponsored by the Franke Institute for the Humanities and the France Chicago Center.

Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society
5701 S. Woodlawn Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60637


9:30-10:00 - Coffee and Welcome, Paul Cheney (The University of Chicago)

10:00-10:45 - Jo Guldi (History, Southern Methodist University), “On the Interpretation of History by Squiggle: Visualizing Change Beyond the N-Gram”; Chair: Elizabeth Chaterjeee (The University of Chicago)

10:45-11:30 - Yves Gingras, (History, Université du Quebec à Montreal) “How Bibliometric Methods Can Map the Global Structure and Dynamics of Science from the 17th to the 21st Century”; Chair: Michael Rossi (The University of Chicago)

Coffee Pause

11:45-12:30 - Loïc Charles (Economics, Université de Paris-8) and Guillaume Daudin (Economics, Université de Paris Dauphine), “Mapping the World of Eighteenth-Century Commodities with a Multidimensional Database”; Chair: Paul Cheney (The University of Chicago)

12:30-1:45 Lunch

1:45-2:30 - Paul Maneuvrier-Hervieu (History, Université de Caen), "Using and publishing a database: the benefits of XML format for an historical research on food riots in the Eighteenth Century"; Chair: Allan Potofsky (University of Paris-7)

Coffee Pause

2:30-3:15 - Silvia Marzagalli (History, Université de Nice), “Visualizing Early Modern Trade: the Navigocorpus”; Chair: Alain Bresson (The University of Chicago)

3:30-4:15 - Paul Girard (Médialab, Sciences Po, Paris) and Guillaume Plique (Médialab, Sciences Po, Paris), “Organizing the Reversible Chain of Transformations: from Trade Statistics records to Datascapes”; Chair: Loïc Charles (University of Paris-8)

4:15-4:45 - Roundtable

Original program on Neubauer website