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  3. Datavisualisation en sociologie et sciences sociales

Datavisualisation en sociologie et sciences sociales

Paul Girard présentera le travail de datascape du médialab a une aprés-midi Datavisualisation en sociologie et sciences sociales organisée par VVS et NSV.

Rendez-vous, Intervention

Bruxelles, Belgique

Paul Girard will present why and how the médialab design datascapes as data visualisation tools for Social Sciences research projects on Tuesday, December 12th.

He is invited by the VVS and NSV who organize an inspirational afternoon on data visualization in sociology and social sciences.

Intrigued by the finding that Sociology is lagging a bit behind concerning (new) methods for data exploration and visualization, and with the financial support of the ISA, we invite you all to join us for a peak across the disciplinary borders.

With two speakers at the focal point of innovation in data exploration, visualization and presentation and a “bring-your-own-data” workshop, we hope to offer members and those interested an inspiring afternoon program.


In the afternoon program we combine a workshop and two interventions with discussion:

  • Lecture by Paul Girard (Science Po médialab): “Studying and exploring digital traces through datascapes – the interdisciplinary experience at Science Po médialab
  • Lecture by Jan Aerts (Data Analysis Group, KU Leuven): “Insights from big data – tackling size and complexity
  • Bring-your-own-data workshop by Maarten Lambrechts(datajournalist, ex-De Tijd): “Effective science communication in practice: what can Sociology learn from data journalism?”

More information on http://www.sociologie.be/datavisualisatie/