1. médialab Sciences Po
  2. Productions
  3. Towards a culture of cohabitation

Towards a culture of cohabitation

Benoit Verjat

Seeking alternatives to polarized debates with the return of wolves to the Montagne Limousine (France), a small group composed of pastoralists, local residents, nature park managers, herders, artists, landscapers, mediators, mid-mountain guides, a mayor, an emergency physician, and ethologists participated in a cultural mediation process led by Quartier Rouge association. Five years of joint experiments, somatic practices, artistic creation, and research created a space for joint transformation, aiming for a culture of cohabitation and mutual regeneration along with wolves at the pastoral scale. Through the adventure of creating situated practices that aim to embody a large diversity of pastoral existence, the group attempts to complement naturalist knowledge and technical approaches with individual, practice and milieu transformations.