Pierre-Laurent Boulanger
Assistant de recherche pour le projet AIME
Assistant de recherche
Ancien membre
Mail: pl.boulanger●sciencespo.fr
I spent 4 years as a Graduate assistant teacher and PhD candidate in the Philosophy Department of Paris Ouest Nanterre University, and I was a visiting graduate student in UC Berkeley thanks to Alva Noë during 2011 Spring Semester. At Nanterre, I taught classes of Methodology, Philosophy of action, Introduction to Metaphysics with Patrice Maniglier, Epistemology with Denis Forest, and Philosophy of the Body. At Sciences-Po, I taught Philosophy of sports and Political Philosophy (Subject and Power). My Dissertation, under the supervision of Stéphane Haber is entitled "L’épreuve Sportive de Soi" (Self-Experience in Sports) and tries to describe 6 modes of subjectification among sporting activities. Even if I enjoyed at Nanterre the best intellectual environment to write my PhD thesis, I will have to play a challenging game in 2013-2014: finish the writing of my dissertation AND moderate the fascinating contribution column of Bruno Latour's
website.Pierre Laurent Boulanger joined médilab in september 2013 and left in 2014.