Lucas Gautheron
I study research strategies in high-energy physics.
Doctorant invité
Ancien membre
- Site personnel: https://lucasgautheron.github.io/
- Twitter: @lucasgautheron
Lucas left in médialab in August 2023
After receiving an education in Physics (ENS Cachan/UPMC) and in History and Philosophy of Science (Université Paris-Cité), I started a PhD in Philosophy of Science at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Science and Technology Studies in Wuppertal, analyzing research strategies in high-energy physics. I perform quantitative analyses of scientific literature modelled as socio-epistemic networks in order to better understand the rationality of the research processes at play. In particular, I focus on supersymmetry, which has given rise to several major research programs in the field of High Energy Physics since its introduction in the 1970s, some of which have become controversial.