Maud Deves
Postdoctoral researcher
Former member
- Website: www.ipgp.fr/~deves
Maud currently coordinates the research axis "Risques, Expertise et médiatisation des catastrophes" of the "Politiques de la Terre" at the Sorbonne in Paris Cité and shares her time between the médialab of Sciences Po and the Institut de Physique du Globe of Paris.Her research articulates itself around a central question: What space can, or can't, hold science and scientists in the face of disaster?To address this, Maud relies on pluridisciplinary experience. Holder of a engineering degree from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (2006) and a masters degree from the Ecole Normale Supérieur (2006), she completed a doctorate in geophysics at the Institut de Physique du Globe of Paris in 2010 before joining the European project ERC-DISPERSE and the SPC-Politiques de la Terre. Interested in the passage of the réel event to it's perception by the scientist and, more widely, the human community, Maud completed her training with a research master in psychology, psychoanalysis and social field at the University Paris Diderot (2013). Her crossed practice of earth sciences and social sciences allows her to develop a transversal approach of her research question, combining quantitative and qualitative analysis.Maud regularly collaborates with the Centre de Recherche Psychanalyse Médecine et Société de l'Université Paris Diderot and participates specifically to the work of the "Trauma and Disaster". She also teaches UFR's of psychoanalytic studies.In parallel to these activities, she is the secretary of the scientific counsel of the Association française de prévention des catastrophes naturelles and pilots the work group on evaluating and managing risks associated with climate change.Maud joined médialab in january 2015 and left on may 2016.