Chiara Visentin
Masters's student in sociology particularly interested in mediated emotions.
Research Assistant
Former member
- E-mail: chiara.visentin@sciencespo.fr
My alma maters are the Scuola Normale of Pisa and the University of Pisa. There I got a BA in Philosophy with a thesis on Hegel's Philosophy of Right. Afterwards I enrolled in a master in Sociology. I have worked as a junior research assistant at the Medialab of the University of Pisa, taking part in several projects on online political communication, especially on Twitter. I have also worked as a Knwledge Engineer at Amazon Alexa in Cambridge UK. I joined the Médialab for a 6 month traineeship in order to learn and practice advanced research techniques to better understand society and mind in their relationship with the media.
Published works to which I contributed are
- Visentin, Chiara & Emanuele Penocchio 2017, "Dal pH a Pareto: l’eclettismo di Lawrence J. Henderson", in Rendiconti, Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL Memorie di Scienze Fisiche e Naturali, 135° (2017), Vol. XLI, Parte II, Tomo II
- Bracciale, Roberta, Antonio Martella, and Chiara Visentin. "From Super Participants to Super-Echoed. Participation in the 2018 Italian Electoral Twittersphere." Partecipazione e conflitto 11.2 (2018): 361-393.
- Visentin, Chiara 2018, "Il potere razionale degli algoritmi tra burocrazia e nuovi idealtipi", The Lab’s Quarterly, 2018/ a. XX / n. 4(ottobre-dicembre)
Chiara has worked at the médialab until Jully 2019.