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Enacting Environmental Data Justice

In this talk, Sara Wylie will reflect on how we can create community centered research and data systems to make fracking corporations responsible for their environmental harms.

Event, Research Seminar


Premature births, unexplained human and livestock sicknesses, flammable water faucets, toxic wells and the onset of hundreds of earthquakes, the impacts of fracking in the United States are far-reaching and deeply felt. In this talk Dr. Wylie explores how extractive resource systems, like natural gas extraction through fracking, are proceeded and supported by extractive data systems that create asymmetric access to information. Drawing together the fields of Environmental Justice and Data Justice, Wylie explores how we can build community centered information systems that help create accountability for corporations and state agencies. Based on her work building tools for community monitoring of the oil and gas industry and co-developing the watchdog organization the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative (EDGI) Dr. Wylie reflects on how we can create community centered research and data systems that move beyond mapping exposure disparities to address the drivers of toxic contamination and make corporations responsible for their environmental harms. This precious present moment of requires collaborative action to create sustainable and just systems. Now is the time, Wylie argues to organize and collectively theorize, develop, and enact environmental data justice.

Iframe https://player.vimeo.com/video/568521815

Enacting Environmental Data Justice - Sara WYLIE from medialab Sciences Po on Vimeo.

References :

Cartoscope website

Environmental Data and governanace initiative (EDGI) website


Sara Wylie, PhD, is an Associate Professor Sociology/Anthropology and Health Science in Northeastern University’s Social Science Environmental Health Research Institute (SSEHRI). She is a cofounder of the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative (EDGI), a network of academics and non-profits working to preserve federal environmental data and monitor changes to US federal environmental policy through website tracking and interviews. Sara is a cofounder of Public Lab, a non-profit that develops open source, Do-It-Yourself tools for community-based environmental analysis. Her award winning book Fractivism: Corporate Bodies and Chemical Bonds describes the need to rethink the extractive research systems that proceed and enable extractive industries.

Practical information

This seminar will be broadcast online. Think about testing your system before the seminar.

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