1. médialab Sciences Po
  2. Actualités
  3. Open Legislative Data Conference

Open Legislative Data Conference

Le Centre d’études européennes, le médialab et l'association Regards Citoyens propose une conférence internationale pour analyser les relations entre informatique, web et le Parlement.

Rendez-vous, Conférence

Amphitheatre Caquot, 28 rue des Saints Pères, 75007 Paris

Iframe https://player.vimeo.com/video/45624504?byline=0&portrait=0


At the time when websites seeking to provide users with various data concerning their parliament, are multiplying worldwide, at the time when cyber revolution challenges the fundamentals of the representative regimes, Sciences Po holds an international meeting to examine the relationships between IT technologies, web and parliaments.

the conference organised by the Centre d’études européennes, the Medialab (Sciences Po) and the association Regards Citoyens has two main objectives:

  • 1. To discuss the latest developments regarding parliamentary informatics: parliamentary open data, law tracking, parliamentary monitoring, and e-parliament among others.
  • 2. To bring together groups, which usually do not communicate: academics specialized in legislative studies, open data activists, associations, international organizations and businesses operating in this field.

Speakers from all over the world will share their experiences, discuss their results, and compare the latest IT developments. Members of regions ranging from Africa to Latin America, will be particularly represented.



Sciences Po will host the first conference day.In the morning, the plenary session will introduce various ongoing projects starting with "The Law Factory," initiated by the conference organizers with the financial support of Ile-de-France Region. Speakers include: Bruno Latour (Sciences Po), Scott Hubli (National Democratic Institute), Maria Baron (Latin America Network for Legislative Transparency), Daniel Schuman (Sunlight Foundation, USA), Brian Crisp, Matt Gabel, Simon Hug (Washington University in St. Louis, USA), Jonathan Bright (European University Institute, Italy), Tom Steinberg (My society, UK), Segun Fodeke (iWatch, Nigeria).In the afternoon, six working sessions will be held in parallel. Program includes: Law Tracking, Parliamentary Monitoring, Roll call Votes Analysis, Opening Legislative Data, Citizen Engagement in the Legislative Process...On the

, “La Cantine”, a co-working space used for hosting hackathons, will host the second day of the conference. Informal sessions and discussions are meant to incite the participant to share their experiences with new IT tools for a better understanding of the parliament and to start cooperation in this field.

Detailed program: http://www.lafabriquedelaloi.fr/conference/programme/Working language: English

Registration: http://www.lafabriquedelaloi.fr/conference/registration/Contact : contact@lafabriquedelaloi.fr