1. médialab Sciences Po
  2. Actualités
  3. DataCamp


Événement de clôture du séminaire "Data, digital methods and and mapping social complexity"


ENSCI - Les Ateliers, 48 Rue Saint-Sabin, 75011 Paris

We are pleased to invite you to a two-day “DataCamp” as the final event of the seminar cycle "Data, digital methods and mapping social complexity". This event will be held June 26-27 at l’Espace Viernot at ENSCI - Les Ateliers, 48 Rue Saint-Sabin.It will be a participatory workshop geared toward either the development of web applications or the exploration of datasets using existing software tools and ad hoc code. We are focusing our BarCamp on the exploration of three specific cases that depend on treating and visualizing different types of data. The cases include:

Our goals are two-fold: 1) to give participants of the seminar a hands-on experience crafting stories and analysis with digital data while working in collaborative teams of developers, designers and social science researchers; 2) to advance the visual treatment, or interface design, of datasets connected to existing academic projects or civil society groups.If the first goal is rather pedagogic and practical, the second goal is pragmatic. To succeed in creating a useful experience for our seminar participants, while also attracting an interesting mix of practitioners and experts to the BarCamp, we need to strike the balance between these two sets of goals. So, in lieu of organizing individualized trainings on specific tools (such as CorText, Gephi, Table2Net, etc), or focusing directly on tool and platform development, we’ve come up with a middle road that we hope will provide both a learning experience and produce tangible, digital social science results.If you are interested in attending, have a look at our detailed program and please indicate your interest to us by signing up here.For further details on the cases, logistics and invitees, visit our seminar website.

If you have any remarks, comments, or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact us : contact[AT]digitalmethods-seminar[POINT]org