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  3. Conference 30 ans de Schengen – Challenges pour l'Europe en temps de crise

Conference 30 ans de Schengen – Challenges pour l'Europe en temps de crise

À la lumière de la crise actuelle des réfugiés et des discussions qui ont suivi les attentats de Paris du 13 novembre, cette conférence vise à faire le point sur les réalisations et les défis de Schengen.

Rendez-vous, Conférence

Bruxelles, Belgique

This event is organised by CEPS, King's College London (KCL) and Sciences Po médialab.

The Schengen Agreement was signed on the 14 June 1985 with a view to realizing freedom of movement in Europe. Together with other initiatives, such as the European Single Act, it represented a milestone in the realization of what later became known as the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. The peculiarity of Schengen however, was to couple the lifting of border controls with offsetting measures in the field of police cooperation and border security. In a nutshell, Schengen attempted at resolving the tension between freedom and control of movement by making the later the condition of the former.

In light of the current refugee crisis and the follow-up discussion after the Paris attacks of 13 November, this conference aims to take stock of the achievements and challenges of Schengen. Panels are designed to unpack the different components of the Schengen history and locate them in the broader context of the AFSJ. By bringing forward contributions from key actors and observers of the history of Schengen, the conference will foster a pluralistic debate about the Schengen Area, both in terms of achievements, shortcomings and ways to overcome them.

You can download the program here.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Petra Bard, Central European University
  • Didier Bigo, King’s College London, Sciences-Po Paris
  • Willy Bruggeman, former Director of Europol
  • Sergio Carrera, CEPS
  • Peter Jozsef Csonka, European Commission
  • Jean-Louis de Brouwer, European Commission
  • Emilio de Capitani, former European Parliament
  • Wenceslas de Lobkowicz, former European Commission, Sciences-Po Paris
  • Monica den Boer, SeQure Research and Consultancy, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Charles Elsen, former Council of the European Union
  • Kees Groenendijk, Radboud University of Nijmegen
  • Elspeth Guild, Radboud University of Nijmegen, CEPS
  • Peter Hustinx, former European Data Protection Supervisor
  • Julien Jeandesboz, Université Libre de Bruxelles
  • Michael Kennedy, former Director of Eurojust
  • Fabrice Leggeri, Frontex
  • Médéric Martin-Mazé, King's College London
  • Sandra Nunes, eu-LISA
  • Wouter Van De Rijt, Council of the European Union
  • Tony Venables, former European Citizen Action Service
  • Benoit Verjat, Sciences Po Paris médialab
  • Jacques Verraes, European Commission
  • Johannes Vos, former Council of the European Union
  • Beate Winkler, Author, former Director of the EU Agency in Vienna (FRA)

You can register and download further information at: https://www.ceps.eu/events/30-years-schengen-–-challenges-eu-times-crisis and http://www.societalsecurity.net/content/new-policy-meeting-taking-stock-freedom-movement-security-and-borders-management-–-policing