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  3. What is the credibility of citizen data based on? the institutionalization of citizen air pollution sensors in california

What is the credibility of citizen data based on? the institutionalization of citizen air pollution sensors in california

François Dedieu, Sylvain Parasie

For many activists around the world, digital sensors are a way to bridge the gaps in official air quality monitoring. But under what conditions are the so-called “citizen data” credible for official authorities? This article examines three asso-ciations based in California, whose members co-construct measurement pro-tocols with the California EPA and scientists. We argue that the credibility of the measurements produced by citizen sensors from the authorities’ point of view depends at least on the following two conditions: (1) that scientific and regulatory authorities come to consider citizen sensors as devices of knowl-edge and government; (2) that activists, scientists and regulators commit them-selves to the establishment of a shared infrastructure that can reduce tensions between the various actors involved.